marigold live in Schlachthof

Take a brief look at 14 years of Soundfabrik!
From the beginning in 1996 to the latest releases - The almost complete Soundfabrik discography.

All Songs on this page have full length, no short cuts of audiomaterial. It is all under a free license, NO DRM or other bad stuff that some "people" forcing us to use. Music Just For Fun made with free software.

feel free...

All audio is licensed under a Creative Commons License.

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tux GNU/Linux


Every album has its own page, to get there just click on the cover.

2001-2010 (even unfinished) cover

a statue in the shape of a birdheaded genius

2002 July cover

Grandma Moses
driving for gazoline

2001 November cover

special b-side

2000 March cover

die co-stars
2nd Demo
not licensed under creative commons

2000 January marigold ep


1999 June marigold 1st Demo

first demo

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more soon...or later

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Just click on the cover to see our booklet design (if available)

2006 - April Kultzone

Kultzone - Sampler 6
Song 12 marigold - is not dead (4.38min)

Matthias Bausch - singing and guitar
Wolfgang Bauer - bass-guitar, guitar, Synth (linux) and recording
Wolfram Schmidt - details on the drum computer

2005 - October Cordobar

Cordobar - 30 Jahre Cordobar - homegrown - Sampler
Song 11 Sofaproject - 12 (4.46min)

Martin Kasper - singing
Michael Neuber - drums
Philipp Bach - guitar (main writer of the song)
Wolfgang Bauer - bass-guitar (recording)

2003 - December Subkultur

Subkultur e.V. - Regional Total - Sampler
Song 15 marigold - the diver (5.00min)

2001 - March cover

Cordobar (Knast) - Sampler
Song 07 marigold - e you came (5.12min)
Song 12 phonefreak honeys - mirror (3.43min) (Sascha is playing the guitar)

Song 16 cordobar all stars - way out (4.28min)

Eugen Kern Emden - singing and guitar
Michael Schütze - guitar (he also plays at seven 11)
Benjamin Tschubel - drum beat
Wolfgang Bauer - bass guitar

No one of us has played in the following songs, but we recorded them. They are not licensed under creative commons, they are for personal use only!
Song 01 Junkyard - head over heels (3.07min)
Song 13 Seven 11 - in my head (4.14min)

1999 - October Cover

La Ultima Ola - Sampler
Song 13 marigold - bird (7.22min)

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Last modified: Oct 20, 2017 @ 22:13

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